is a payment processing service which allows the payment of bills and services over the internet. Using a credit card or check, a payment can be submitted and cleared instantly at no cost to the client. absorbs all credit transaction fees. There is a small cost to the end user as a convenience fee.
The user enters the url to the remit-online client address. ( where ###### is the client id number). This will prompt the user for an invoice, or ticket number and the amount they wish to pay. When finished, the user is then prompted for their credit card or check information and an email address.
When the transaction is submitted series of email are created and sent. First a receipt to the user, confirming that their credit card or check has been charged. And second to an administrator stating the payment information. This will allow the client to apply the payment to the users account.
If the credit cards is invalid or declined, the user is given the opportunity to return to the submittal screen to re-enter their information, or select a different card. The same is true for the online check processing.
The client will then receive a single accumulated payment each month a statement of each transaction.